Non-Negotiable Values Tool
Values are “a person’s principles or standards of behaviour. They are one’s judgement of what’s important in life.”
When you Set Your Values, you are saying to yourself and to others,
‘I stand for this and not for that; I will do this and not that.’
The Non-Negotiable Values Tool will take you step-by-step to setting your values.
When you Set Your Non-Negotiable Values and determine to incorporate them in every area of your life, you will find that you make decisions that direct (rather than derail) you to fulfilling the goals, vision, and purpose for your life.
Modesta Mahiga is the Principal Executive Coach & Management Consultant at Modesta Mahiga LLC.
A seasoned and trustworthy Global Award-Winning Leadership Expert, Certified Executive Coach, and Senior Board and Management Executive, over her 19+ year career, Modesta has supported thousands of industry leaders to advance into leadership positions, improve their leadership effectiveness, and position as influential thought leaders in their industries.